As usual, january&februay has been really busy. Finishing my work on this years Eurovision, by:Larm and 2 trips for the NRCs Artistgalla, I`ve more or less been travelling constantly. Including my 3 weeks of diving in Bali, its actually been over 40 days, since the start of the year.
Shooting with the AF101 in St. Petersburg. Shot by Olav Saltbones
My latest 5d rig. Jag35, SmallHD dp6, Sennheiser MK400, Zoom H4N. Switronix Powerbase 70, Litepanels 1×1 with Globalmediapro V-lock batteries. GREAT!
Backing up my CF and SD cards outside Maseru, Lesotho airport, using the NextoDI NSV2500. Amazing tool
Shooting a concert a day at this years bylarm, with 4x Canon DSLRs. I operated the closeup, with a 500mm f4 on a 1dMRKIV. I got real close…
If youre wondering about how to use rolling shutter to your advantage, look no further then this clip from our bylarm webvideos we created. The opening 30 seconds of this is the very definition of art by accident 🙂
[iframe: src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/20064830?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=1″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″></iframe]
Right now I`m preparing for “Dag Season 2”, which starts shooting the last week in march. Using DSLR only, again 🙂