Tag: 2012

Showreel 2012

[iframe:src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/47527507" width="750" height="422" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe] My latest showreel. Consists of some of the documentary and feature work I have done between 2009-2012. The fact that I haven't been able to make a showreel for the last three years, is a testament to the amount of work I have had. Ive been incredibly fortunate, been able to travel all over the world and to work with some of the best people in Norway and elsewhere. If someone told me this  in 2008/2009 (I was straight out of school, and the financial crisis was just starting!), I would say that they were a bit too…

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Øyafestivalen 2009-2012

Promos for 2012 Øyafestivalen 2012 - Unicorn from Håvar Karlsen on Vimeo. Øyafestivalen 2012 - Wolves from Håvar Karlsen on Vimeo. Promos for 2011 Øyafestivalen Commercial 2011 from Håvar Karlsen on Vimeo. Promos for 2009 PROMO - Øyafestivalen - PART 3 from Håvar Karlsen on Vimeo. PROMO - Øyafestivalen - PART 2 from Håvar Karlsen on Vimeo. PROMO - Øyafestivalen - PART 1 from Håvar Karlsen on Vimeo.

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The traditional Øya-shoot v.2012

For 4 years in a row, director Magnus Rye have been let loose on a project with no boundaries. No client telling him what to do, no agency forcing their opinions on us and no broadcaster putting their foot down. The Øya-promos has been a fantastic opportunity to test out ideas, and for me to gain competence technically. This year I wanted to do the Red Epic, and Magnus wanted to really push what we could to with 3d. This year, my spring schedule was more hectic than usual, so I was not able to take part in the pre-production as I have done in…

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