Tag: c300

2013 done

I just realized my last blogpost was titled "2012 done", so I guess its time for 2013. I have actually been doing some reviews on my reviewpage, but not really talking about what I have been doing. 2012 have for the most part been about one show. "Det Tredje Øyet" (The Third Eye) is a episodic crime-drama about a cop who has lost his daughter 5 years ago, and continues his search in his daily work as an investigator. I did 6 episodes (!), and my fellow DoP and friend Pål Bugge Haagenrud did 4. I acted as his B-operator on his episodes as well, giving…

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2012 done.

Big shoot scheduled to premiere in january Its been quite a while since last update. If I tried to make any money of this blog, I would be in deep trouble. November - december has been crazy busy, as the traditional Eurovision/Nobel productions clash together. Ive also done some commercials this year, making the schedule into christmas pretty unhealty. Blogging is therefore not my top priority. I cant imagine how some of the top DoP/Bloggers can keep it up. Three of the four boys (girls, whatever) I used to shoot Nobel. Norways first c500! I got my hands on the very first c500 (Thanks to…

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Showreel 2012

[iframe:src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/47527507" width="750" height="422" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe] My latest showreel. Consists of some of the documentary and feature work I have done between 2009-2012. The fact that I haven't been able to make a showreel for the last three years, is a testament to the amount of work I have had. Ive been incredibly fortunate, been able to travel all over the world and to work with some of the best people in Norway and elsewhere. If someone told me this  in 2008/2009 (I was straight out of school, and the financial crisis was just starting!), I would say that they were a bit too…

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A day with the C300

Testshoot in snowy Oslo Me and fellow DoP Pål Bugge Haagenrud got the opportunity yesterday to check out the newest addition to the post-DSLR camera market. The C300 was announced last December in Hollywood (!), targeting the pro/cinema market, with a pro/cinema pricetag. In this review, I will give a short write up on my impressions technically, and also share my thoughts on where this cam positions itself in the market. I only had a couple of hours shooting with it. Handling The C300 is a perfect handheld camera. You can control all important settings from you right hand (the handgrip, taken from RED?) and…

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